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EPTDA Appoints 2020 Regional Leaders


The EPTDA recently announced the appointment of its 2020 Regional Leaders. EPTDA Regional Leaders across EMEA support the association in raising brand awareness of the EPTDA membership benefits, market intelligence reports and trend analysis activities, and meetings and events with a unified ambition of recruiting new members. The EPTDA Regional Leaders act as the official voice and representative of the association on a local/regional level, to ensure we stay relevant to the local needs and overcome any languages barriers. 
The new EPTDA Regional Leaders are: 
? Eastern Europe: Zoltan Arkovics, managing director, BDI Europe Ltd. 
? Benelux: Paul Bruin, sales director, Bruin Aandrijftechniek 
? France: Andre Lopez, managing director, CIR 
? Germany: Elisabeth Meister, CEO, Ludwig Meister GmbH & Co. KG 
? Greece: Athanasios Kouimtzis, CEO, Kouimtzis s.a. 
? Italy: Roberto Cugnaschi, vice general manager, Mondial S.p.A. 
? Middle East & Africa: Hassanein Alwan, managing director, Mineral Circles Bearings 
? Nordics: Jan Friman, business development director, YTM-Industrial OY 
? Spain: Elena Azcue Taberna, general manager, Sociedad Industrial de Transmisiones 
? UK & Ireland: Paul Desmond Spillings, managing director, Acorn Industrial Services Ltd 
“EPTDA Regional Leaders serve as EPTDA’s brand ambassadors on Regional, National and Local level, to raise awareness, connect to the grass root level of our members and address their business interest, support us in overcoming language barriers and to actively attract new qualified members to join EPTDA. We have appointed a senior Regional Leadership team, who will support EPTDA in reaching its strategic objectives of Membership Growth, In-Person Networking, Content Development, External Relations & Collaboration on a Local, National and Regional level,” explains Hans Hanegreefs, executive vice president, EPTDA.
